Why Scripture Memory Might be the Most Important Spiritual Discipline

 Why Scripture Memory Might Be the Most Important Spiritual Discipline

Dallas Willard was asked the question, "What do you consider the most important spiritual disicpline?" John Ortberg overheard this question at a conference and was waiting eagerly for his reply. Would it be contemplative prayer, fasting, extended periods of silence, etc? Answer: Bible memorization. Willard says in Renovation of the Heart, "The most obvious thing we can do is to draw certain portions of Scripture into our minds and make them a part of the permanent fixtures of our thought." The apostle Paul locates transformation into Christlikeness in the renewal of our minds. (Romans 12:2).

I confess I am a "johnny-come-lately" when it comes to memorizing longer portions of Scripture. I started to apply myself to this task a few years ago. I can confirm from personal experience what Willard affirms. When we occupy our minds with the truths of Scripture we are, of course, driving out other things that can occupy our minds. [Do I even need to mention the detours our minds can take when we simply respond to the stimuli of this world?] What I have discovered is that reality from God's perspective then shapes my reality. For example, when I am rehearsing the truths as Paul states them in Ephesians 1:3-10 that "we have been blessed in Christ with all the blessings in the heavenly place" and then he enumerates them, I am lifted to a realm of wonder. Then I come to these words in Ephesians 1:5, "In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ." Contemplating, repeating, returning to this phrase drives it deep into my mind and heart. O Glory, this is who I am in Jesus. 

I then have this truth at my fingertips to return to whenever I need a reminder.   


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