
Showing posts with the label mission

What qualities come together in a micro group to create an ideal transformative environment?

  What qualities come together in a micro group to create an ideal transformative environment? At GDI, we like to say that micro groups are “hot houses of the Holy Spirit”. What does that mean? In other words, just like a “greenhouse”, the environmental conditions are just right for accelerated growth into Christlikeness and multiplication of disciples. What are those environmental conditions? 1. Relational Transparency: A major reason the groups are kept to 3 or 4 (triads/quads) is to develop an atmosphere of self-revealing trust. Here is the principle: The extent to which we are willing to reveal to others the areas of our life that need God’s transforming touch is the extent to which we are inviting the Holy Spirit to make us new. The seed of God’s word can only take root in tilled soil. The tilled soil (our openness) creates cracks and crevices in our hearts. It is these cracks and crevices that reveal our areas of needed transformation. As we articulate the awareness of our b

Global Discipleship Core Values

Core Values Guide Our Decisions Disciplemaking is the church’s mission,  not just one bullet point of the many things a church does. MicroGroups:  Disciples grow best and are empowered to disciple others in gender-specific groups of triads (3) or quads (4). Intentional:  Discipleship requires purposeful, covenantal, relational investment. Transparent Relationships:  God’s Word shapes our hearts in an honest, open, and mutually accountable environment. Biblically-Based Curriculum:   Discipleship Essentials  covers the foundations for a life in Christ and is the empowerment tool we use to disciple others. Indigenous:  Discipleship movements should become self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating. Multiplying:  Disciples are made to reproduce.