
Showing posts from September, 2021

Discovery Not Dictation

Why are the micro-groups we talk about in GDI so effective for accelerating authentic spiritual growth? For twenty-five years as a pastor, I depended on dictation. I studied hard all week, and then stood on the platform on Sunday to excitedly share what I had learned from God's Word. I provided note-taking outlines in the worship program to assist sincere learner's.  After more than two decades of this, we took a congregational survey to determine how much of fundamental orthodox doctrine the congregants really understood. I was shocked! Not only was there still great confusion, but things they did seem to understand couldn't be intelligibly articulated or shared with someone else. I remember the Sunday I stood before the congregation and told them; if you have to make the choice to come to hear me preach, or go to your discipleship quad...go to your quad. I knew they would learn much more from the ninety minutes of preparation and ninety minutes of interaction with their

How do micro groups implement Jesus’ relational model?

  How do micro groups implement Jesus’ relational model? When Jesus instructed us to “go and make disciples”, He did not leave us wondering how. Jesus modeled this principally by growing disciples formed in a relational setting. A strategic moment occurred in His ministry when Jesus formally gathered His inner circle around him. A approximately six months into his public ministry Jesus called the twelve to “be with him.” (Luke 6:12-13; Mark 3:13) How important was this decision? How vital was it to accomplishing Jesus’ mission? Luke signals the importance by telling us that Jesus spent all night in prayer. The next day he brought together a group which included twelve who had been following Him. “And when day came, he called his disciples, and chose twelve of them, whom he named apostles…” (Luke 6:13).   What was Jesus trying to accomplish by giving himself to this smaller band? At the time of Jesus’ selection of his leadership team, he was in the thralls of public adulation. But J